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Medication Assisted Treatment of Substance Use Disorders

Webinar April 8, 2015

Watch this Patient-Centered Primary Care Institute webinar to learn about the variety of medications used to treat Substance Use Disorders (SUDs), how those medications work, and, most importantly, how the use of medications fits into a recovery plan.

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Shared Decision Making: What, Why & How

Webinar January 21, 2015

Attend this webinar hosted by the Patient-Centered Primary Care Institute to learn about Shared Decision Making (SDM) as a skill to engage patients with preference-sensitive conditions.

Coming Out of the Shadows: Addressing Substance Use in Primary Care

Webinar November 12, 2014

This Patient-Centered Primary Care Institute webinar provides primary care clinicians, staff and administrators with an introduction to the prevalence and health impacts of risky substance use behaviors, as well as an overview of evidence-based interventions to mitigate these impacts.

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Patient-Centered Primary Care Home Program Update

Webinar October 8, 2014

Watch this recorded brief presentation and Q&A session to gain a broad understanding of the Patient-Centered Primary Care Home (PCPCH) program, what it takes to become a PCPCH recognized clinic, what providers think of the PCPCH model, and understand the direction and priorities for the PCPCH program moving forward.

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PCPCH Site Visits: What to Expect

Webinar October 7, 2014

This webinar, hosted by the Patient-Centered Primary Care Institute, provides an overview of the Patient-Centered Primary Care Home (PCPCH) program site visit process for practices.

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Scrubbing and Huddling

Webinar October 22, 2014

Listen to this Patient-Centered Primary Care Institute webinar to learn how scrub and huddle activities improve patient care, generate ideas for integrating scrubbing and huddling into your current work, and understand how these processes relate to PCPCH standards.

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Strategies for Rural, Small Independent Practices

Webinar August 25, 2014

This webinar hosted by the Patient-Centered Primary Care Institute addresses the unique obstacles that rural, small independent practices face in meeting PCPCH program requirements, and how practices have addressed them.

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Enhancing Adolescent Well-Visits

Webinar September 23, 2014

The Patient-Centered Primary Care Institute hosted this webinar addressing the key components of adolescent well-visits, strategies for getting adolescents in for them, and tips for providing quality well-visit care.

Collaborating for Health: Motivational Interviewing in Primary Care

Webinar July 29, 2014

Attend this webinar hosted by the Patient-Centered Primary Care Institute for an introduction to the core concepts of motivational interviewing and a family practice physician’s story about bringing this patient-centered communication style into her interactions with patients.

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  • Consumer Engagement

Engaging Patients in Improving Ambulatory CareExternal Link

Publication January 30, 2014
This toolkit showcases how primary care practices are involving patients in quality improvement efforts as part of Aligning Forces for Quality, including resources developed through Q Corp's Patients and Families as Leaders program.

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  • Consumer Engagement