Tips for Adolescent Health

What is recommended care for my teen?

Routine visits to your child’s doctor, as they become teenagers help to keep your child healthy. Each visit is an opportunity to check on your child’s growth and development. It’s also a chance to check in with your teen on their emotional well-being and to talk to them about risky behaviors such as tobacco, alcohol, or other drug use; pregnancy; sexual health; and violence. The quality scores below show how each doctor's office rated at providing this recommended care.

Why are annual well visits important for adolescents?

Adolescence is one of the most dynamic periods of development, second only to infancy. A key developmental task of adolescence is transitioning to increased independence from parents and guardians. While most adolescents enjoy good health‐ dramatic physical, cognitive, social, and emotional change during this period calls for a unique approach to health care compared to adults or young children.

The leading causes of death among adolescents (unintentional injury, homicide and suicide) are largely preventable. During this period of development, youth begin to make their own decisions regarding relationships, lifestyle and health behaviors.

Data from Oregon Healthy Teens Survey, a statewide health survey among 8th and 11th graders, indicates that some youth engage in behaviors that could put their immediate and long term health in jeopardy. Health behaviors established in adolescence tend to persist into adulthood, and many chronic diseases first emerge in this age.

  • Half of all lifetime cases of mental health diagnoses first begin by age 14.
  • Youth who begin drinking at age 14 or younger are 4‐5 times more likely to develop substance abuse over their lifetime compared to someone who started drinking at 19.
  • Youth who are overweight or obese tend to become overweight and obese adults.

For more information read this guidance document from the Oregon Health Authority.

What can you do?

Talk to your child's doctor about scheduling adolescent well care visits.